We Keep on Top of the Fight Against Telecom Fraud

Coming on strong in the fight against international telecommunications fraud.
ITW Global Leaders Forum recently announced the list of carriers that were certified as compliant with the principles of the GLF Code of Conduct for 2022 in the fight against fraud and we are proud to announce that BTS as a trusted partner has once again received this recognition.
Our in-house developed tools and platforms together with our implemented protocols, identify and block fraudulent traffic in real time with in-depth ongoing analysis focused on traffic patterns, market intelligence and user behavior analysis.
An industry wide issue that requires collaboration between leaders.
The recently published GLF 2022 Fraud Report states that the volume of fraudulent traffic in voice and messaging has been increasing over the past year. Due to this, it is crucial for the industry to continuously maximize efforts in the fight against fraud and adhere to initiatives such as the Code of Conduct.
Organizations like the i3forum and the GLF foster collaboration within the industry which is vital in addressing fraudulent actions that are affecting the customer experience and crucial in the setting of standards for the industry´s leading carriers to grow participation and encourage as many players to join the action against fraudsters.
We are proud to be part of the list of companies that puts constant efforts to minimize fraud’s impact in the industry.